Congratulations on your orders to Expeditionary Strike Group SEVEN (ESG 7).
Our command has two locations at White Beach U.S. Naval Facility on the island of Okinawa, Japan and at Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan on the island of Kyushu.
Our staff is responsible for all amphibious operations and sustainment in the SEVENTH Fleet Area of Responsibility. We conduct numerous bi-lateral and multi-lateral training exercises each year to be prepared for the full range of theater contingencies from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations to combat operations.
You may contact the sponsor coordinator at ESG7sponsor@us.navy.mil. Please ensure you communicate directly with your sponsor with any questions you may have about your upcoming PCS, living overseas, and working at our command. Our command ombudsman can be contacted at ctf76ombudsman2015@gmail.com.
Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa has created a mobile app CFAO App that is your one-stop shop for all of your Okinawa military and related needs! This app integrates all vital resources you need into a single mobile experience. Instantly get access to all of your weather and disaster resources and social media applications while you are "on-the-go."
The CFAO mobile app includes: One touch dialing for emergency services, help & assistance resources, current weather and sea conditions, current typhoon information and data, access to a variety of social media data from Navy, Marine, and Air Force outlets, instant emergency notification messages an one-touch dialing access for taxi & Daiko services.
Features an extensive "Welcome to Okinawa" information and resources, comprehensive PCS info for newcomers to the island, etiquette information to integrate with the Japanese & Okinawan culture, valuable MWR resources from Navy, Marine, and Air Force resources, valuable links to vital resources for military members and much, much more!